Rajat Nayar, a prominent Bollywood Astrologer, has been approached by the who’s who of the Indian film industry. The Bachchan, Kajol, Shilpa Shetty, Shahrukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Salman Khan, among others have all sought help from this first-rate astrologer. Thanks to him, their professional and personal crisis has been resolved largely.
Look at some of the testimonials, which will surely convince you that if Rajat Nayar can help these celebrities, he can help you as well.
“I made a fortune following his advice”- says Mr. Lodha, a share market investor from the States
MR. Lodha says that after incurring heavy losses in the share and commodity market, he didn’t have a single penny lefty with him. After he had sought help from Rajat Nayar over the phone, his luck started favouring him once again. Nayar was able to direct him in the right direction by recommending him everything from the time, sector, bank name, mobile number, etc. Since following his advice, Mr. Lodha has been earning a good amount.
“I can't thank this man enough. A lot of my little success is because of him”- says Ritika Sabharwal, abusinesswoman from Malad, Mumbai
Ritika says that initially the business that she was running (a boutique) did not do well, but after she consulted Rajat Nayar, the latter suggested that she change the line of her business. When Ritika gave up designing clothes and took up jewellery designing, doors started opening for her, and she started earning profits. This could not have happened if Mr Nayar did not intervene and helped her put after analysing her horoscope thoroughly.
“I saved my marriage. I owe it to this man”- says Deborina, an interior designer from Kolkata
Deborina states that had it not been for Rajat Nayar, her marriage would have ended in a bitter divorce. Soon after she got married, Deborina started having problems with her husband over trivial matters. When things got out of hand, she took Nayar’s help who gave her certain gemstones to wear and since then she enjoys a rock steady marriage with her husband.
As you can see, all of Nayar’s clients are extremely pleased and satisfied with him. He has helped not only celebrities from the film industry but also others who came from every corner of the country to seek his help. In addition, he has extended his helping hand to people from other nations as well, which has made him famous worldwide.