Thursday, 25 October 2018

Get Introduced To The Astrologer Rajat Nayar

When I kept facing troubles in my life from all angles, I was desperately looking for a solution to end it all. My professional life and personal life were taking a toll and I had no one to support me. My cousin suggested the famous astrologer Rajat Nayar. I was hesitant at first when I took the advice and met him as I had nothing to lose.  After listening to his advice and adopting the remedy I realized that things were settling down slowly  and it indeed gave me an excellent result. I am very thankful to my cousin for introducing me to this wonderful astrologer.

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

What is Kalsarp Dosha - By Rajat Nayar Astrologer

Do you know what kalsarp dosha is? We know that almost every individual may have heard about this in their life. Although it is unusual and over 70 per cent of the people have this in their horoscope. There is nothing to fear if you figure out this in your life.  All you need is to understand it and know what it is and how it impacts an individual’s life. There is nothing to fear, as, despite this in your horoscope, you can easily achieve success in life. For this, you need to take the help of Rajat Nayar Astrologer. He is the right expert who can educate you about this dosh. 

Rajat Nayar will easily help you to reduce its malefic effects and understand the real meaning of this dosha and its various types. In order to understand this, you need to know the planetary location. In this, when all planets come between Rahu and Ketu planet, this dosh is formed. As per the astrologer, when these planets are in different houses, the positive effects of the other planets are unable. Thus, it is hard for an individual soul to reach the native destination. This situation generates tensions, fears, problems, mostly in career, delay in marriage and various issues in finance and wealth.

When you watch, you will get a complete detail of this dosh and will get to know the effective solutions. Rajat Nayar explains that there are following types of Kaal Sarp Dosha. Overall, there are 12 types of Kaal Sharp Doshas like Anant, Vasuki, Kulika, Shank Pal, Padam, Mahapadam, Takshak, Karkotak, Shanknnad, Paatak, Vishakt and Sheshnang. 

So when you have Kaal Sarp Dosha, then it is best to meet Rajat Nayar and understand the real facts and reason for this. He will also provide you effective remedies that will change the destiny of your life. He is an experienced and popular astrologer who serves people and makes their life better. You can contact him and know some effective remedies that will ensure a better life and progress in the future. Just contact him through phone, TV, email or visit the office.